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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kamasutra art, Vajrayana Buddhist schools, Religious pilgrimages, Ritual sacrifices , Hindu temples, Buddhist stupas, Bonpo monastries, Holy events,

Kamasutra art, Vajrayana Buddhist schools, Religious pilgrimages, Ritual sacrifices , Hindu temples, Buddhist stupas, Bonpo monastries, Holy events, Shamanism, Holy city tours

Ask a Nepali what religion he is and he will say ‘hindu-buddhist’. Hindu-Buddhist? In Nepal, the Hindu religion has fused beautifully with Buddhist philosophies and moral codes. Temples stand by stupas. Festivals are jointly celebrated.Tantric Buddhism has emerged as a hybrid religion that offers a speedier route to enlightenment.

Also check out ancient religions like Shamanism and Bonpo which thrive next to temples with roof struts filled with very erotic carvings. Walk down the street and buy a gold leafed hand-painted Thangka of Buddha resisting temptation. Walk through the maze of lingams and watch young brides pray for fertility.

For the more extreme, don’t miss out on the legendary animal sacrifices that take place everyday. Avoid the Dasain festival (September/October) if you are an animal lover.

Ofcourse, other festivals like Holi are colourful as is Indrajatra where you can follow a living Goddess riding through town on three golden chariots. Or you can tighten your waist by participating in Gunla - a month of Buddhist ceremonies centered around penance, fasting and charity.

Religion is peaceful in Nepal. Enjoy it.

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