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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Safety & Security

Nepal is a safe country to trek provided the basic rules are observed. When with us most contingencies are handled by agency staff. However, one could get lost or hurt and have no one to ask for help when trekking alone. Therefore trekkers going alone should either trek with us or hire reliable guides if trekking in smaller groups. Women guides are available for women trekkers who do not feel comfortable trekking alone with male guides and porters.

The best way to avoid risk while trekking is through planning, playing by the rules and realizing human limitation. If you do plan on going alone you should have sound mountain experience and be well advised on trail and weather conditions. Also you must register at various check points along the way to help record your progress with the relevant authorities.
When trekking with our company, in case of misfortune a short detailed message will be dispatched to a reliable source. After which the individual will be immediately rescued. If communication facilities are unavailable, Normal first aid principle will be implemented by our highly trained guides till help arrives.

Some of the safety rules we suggest you to abide by are:

  • do not trek alone
  • do not make a display of wealth
  • keep belongings secure and within sight
  • Make arrangements for handling emergency situations before hand.
  • Register personal information and trekking details with respective embassies.
  • Buy a traveler comprehensive insurance policy that covers helicopter rescue cost.
  • Leave a copy of details with us in Kathmandu.

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