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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Patan, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Changu Narayan, Lumbini, Janakpur

Patan, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Changu Narayan, Lumbini, Janakpur

When you enter a Nepali city, you take a step into the 12th century history.

Here, the mornings start with thousands of women queuing up in front of temples in the city’s monumental squares to make their everyday offerings of flowers and local sweets. Priests chant holy mantras blessing the devotees with colourful tikas which give energy and luck.

Over breakfast, see artisans and craftsmen working on colourful Thangka paintings, fearsome wood masks and elaborate wood carvings. Watch their hands create classic works of art in front of your eyes. Of course, you can buy what they produce, but only after a friendly bargaining session that leaves you smiling all the way back to your hotel.

And as you walk through the cities’ cobbled streets, you are treated to a visual feast of art and architecture created by master craftsmen and proud kings for the Gods and Demons. Explore the inner streets and monastery courtyards which are filled with myths and legends of sacrifice, strength and courage.

Take a step back in time. Experience medieval history and culture.

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